3rd September

Albany to Point Ann


Looking over King George Sound from Mt Adelaide right in the heart of Albany

A view of Albany from the PrincessRoyal Fortress on top of Mt Adelaide

A gun turret from a HMAS warship

The two gunnery officers on duty

Gun turrets from HMAS Perth, which is scuttled in King George Sound

The Barracks building at Pricess Royal Fortress. This fortress was strategically important as it was a coal bunker.

A series of panoramic shots from on top of Mt Adelaide, looking over King George Sound, and into Princess Royal Harbour.

The gap (inlet) between King George Sound and Princess Royal Harbour

Princess Royal Harbour

On top on Mt Clarence is the ANZAC memorial. It is the Desert Mounted Corps Memorial, originally erect in Port Said Egypt.

Dad & Laura with King George Sound in the background at the ANZAC memorial.

Brilliant white sand beaches of Bremmer Bay

Washing up dinner at Point Ann